The Amazing Spider Tank

The Amazing Spider Tank
Spider-Tank, Spider-Tank. Does whatever a Spider-Tank does. Can he swing from a web? No he can't, he's a tank. Look out! He is a Spider-Tank!

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Keyforge: Top 5 Saurian Reprints from Dark Tidings

Okey dokey, today we are delving too deeply into the Saurian House, looking at my top 5 Reprints from the new Keyforge set, Dark Tidings. For those of you just joining us, you can check out the previous articles with Logos and Sanctum. As usual, we shall start off with a list of all the reprints along with their card number and rarity:
Scylla - 131 - R
Charybdis - 132 - R (fixed with Scylla)
Crassosaurus - 153 - R
Diplo-Macy - 136 - R
Good of the Many - 139 - R
Grimlocus Dux - 140 - R
High Priest Torvus - 142 - R
Imperial Forge - 143 - R
Imperial Road - 144 - R
Primus Unguis - 146 - R
Saury About That - 147 - R
Tertiate - 149 - R
The Colosseum - 150 - R
City-State Interest - 155 - U
Gladiodontus - 157 - U
Hedonistic Intent - 158 - U
Humble - 159 - U
Paraguardian - 160 - U
Senator Quintina - 163 - U
Siren Horn - 164 - U
Terrordactyl - 165 - U
Consul Primus - 171 - C
Cornicen Octavia - 172 - C
Faust the Great - 175 - C
Spoils of Battle - 181 - C

I think our neighborhood friendly dinos also suffer from a couple of subpar reprints, but I feel as though the Saurian reprints have their worth modified the most out of the Houses we've looked at so far, for better and worse. For example, Grimlocus Dux is worse off since Senator Bracchus and Praefectus Ludo are not in the set. Actually, all the Saurian House is worse off without those two, lol. I know they get a new common senator in Medicus Lacus (Spelling?), but he is dependent on having high Tide, which is not as ideal. Overall I think House Saurian has fallen far from their initial showcase in WC, but we'll see once Dark Tidings hits (also, Saurian in WC was OP). But I still have at least 5 reprints that I'm excited about (*sorry, with which I am excited).

#5 Faust the Great
I'm a sucker for on-play amber control. I'm also a sucker for increasing key costs, especially against combo decks. Enter in Faust, that devil-dealing-dino, increasing key costs since...well whenever you play him. There is a lot of capturing in Dark Tidings, so there's a good chance this guy will get help from nearly every house. Faust is also common, so he is going to be a great and easy way to stop your opponent from forging keys.

#4 Terrordactyl
It could have just been my experience, but Terrordactyl lives up to its name if you get to use it. If I don't have a big answer to it, it routinely wiped my boards of squishy Star Alliance, Logos, Untamed, and Shadows. There are a ton of very impactful low-power creatures in this set, so I am expecting this thing to do some real damage for me...if I can use him. With Unfathomable making their debut, however, with all their exhausting and Sanctum with their stunning, and various other bounce effects, Terrordactyl could be in for a rough time. But if you don't have an answer for it, it will crush you. Plus, it looks awesome.

#3 City-State Interest 
You know I love my amber control. And while this is not quite as good without the good cards to spend amber on creatures like Senator Bracchus, or stuff like Ancient Power to ward everyone, or Axiom of Grisk as a board wipe, it still gets the job done as a decent amber control card. I've always liked that it's only cap is how many creatures you have. As I mentioned above Saurian does get Medicus Lacus to help out with spending the amber, it's just not quite as good as what we've had before. This is still a high impact amber control card that can save you in a pinch.

#2 Primus Unguis
If you want a large board, Primus Unguis can get you there. He created truly monstrous boards that were impossible to deal with outside of direct removal. I expect he will continue to be a force to be reckoned with. If you combine him with Untamed power counters, and Sanctum armor, you can get ridiculously powerful creatures, lol. Thankfully he is rare and he doesn't put amber on himself when he comes in, but still. There are a lot of powerful decks out there that count on him, and I think that will continue in this set.

#1 Imperial Forge
I am going with a key cheat for my number 1, mainly because I have seen so much capturing in this set. I think you could easily get a House combination that will have lots of amber on your creatures, making it great for Imperial Forge fodder. I don't think Saurian is particularly strong in this set, and so they will need all the help they can get. But if you combine this card with Sanctum capture and goodness, or Untamed burst amber, then maybe Imperial Forge can become a reliable way to forge multiple keys on a turn.


I was not as excited about Saurian as other Houses. A lot of that has to do with what I am seeing in the rest of the House in terms of new cards. On paper it is looking like Saurian will be one of the bottom Houses. They lost too many key cards that made them good (overpowered perhaps), and although they got back some of the good ones, they aren't replacing them with enough to be reliable IMO. But time will tell. Am I missing something? Are Saurians really good in this set? Did they get some monstrous combo using reprinted cards that I'm not seeing? Please let me know and inform me of your list or changes. Thanks as always for reading, and happy gaming!

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