The Amazing Spider Tank

The Amazing Spider Tank
Spider-Tank, Spider-Tank. Does whatever a Spider-Tank does. Can he swing from a web? No he can't, he's a tank. Look out! He is a Spider-Tank!

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Epic Deck Tech Theory: Eventless Deck

Following up my award-winning, mind-blowing, wolrd-shattering Championless Deck, I decided to try the flip side and create an Eventless Deck as well. The concept is extremely simple: Build a deck using no Events. Bear in mind this uses pre-Pantheon cards, mainly because I created the Championless Deck with that card pool, but also because a lot of people don't have the new stuff yet. Let's see what we can do.

My initial thought is that I am going to have a hard time with card draw, which is the opposite of the problem that the Championless Deck had. So what alignment do I choose? Wild has a lot of card draw with T-Rex and champions that draw a card when they come in. They also have direct damage, which is a good win condition. However, I was worried they just would not have enough. Sage has tons of card draw, as well as some really good 0-cost champions to go along with them. Evil has access to a little card draw, but really has good stuff for generating more champions (like weenie zombie blockers), as well as a champion sweeper in Angel of Death, as well as the venerable Medusa. Then there is Good, which has some of everything, but not enough card draw for my taste, at least, not enough without going very heavy into that Alignment. I decided to go with Sage/Evil.


When it comes to Sage, they always have some good access to card draw. Crystal Golem and Winter Fairy are solid card-drawing champions. Thought Plucker and Knight of Shadow provide card draw as well as opponent hand disruption, which could be very useful. Blue Dragon and Juggernaut both draw cards when they enter play, as well as provide some direct and Breakthrough damage, respectively. Mist Guide Herald feels like an obvious choice since it is guaranteed to always hit and give me options, and I opted for Ice Drake for some ambushing defense. To round out my 0-costs for Sage I obviously went for Muse for the card draw, and Keeper of Secrets for Recycle triggers, and Forcemage Apprentice and Shadow Imp for some offensive punch, although Shadow Imp can be a good blocker as well.

I wanted to have some Evil though, as I felt I needed more removal. Angel of Death is a must-have, as is Medusa. The Gudgeon provides some good card draw as well. Zannos gives me some life as well as puts guys on the board, and Raxxa does a little sweeping and going wide on the board as well. I put Zealous Necromancer in there for the Ambush and card draw, since I really want to make sure I have my hand size up. The 0-cost cards unfortunately do not give me card draw, but they do give me some discard pile banish removal in Guilt Demon, removal and health gain in Corpsemonger, and removal and retrieval of champions in Corpse Taker.


This feels like a solid enough deck. I seem to hit most of the targets in deck construction: Card draw, offensive power, direct damage, healing, discard pile banish, and hand disruption. When playing, I am going to want to make sure I always have some card draw champions, as well as champions that can be played on my opponent's turn. The problem won't be being able to put pressure on the board, the problem will be from keeping up that pressure.

Sage (36)
3x Blue Dragon
3x Crystal Golem
3x Juggernaut
3x Mist Guide Herald
3x Thought Plucker
3x Knight of Shadows
3x Winter Fairy
3x Ice Drake
3x Muse
3x Forcemage Apprentice
3x Keeper of Secrets
3x Shadow Imp
Evil (24)
3x The Gudgeon
3x Medusa
3x Angel of Death
3x Zealous Necromancer
2x Zannos
2x Raxxa, Demon Tyrant
3x Corpse Taker
3x Guilt Demon
2x Corpsemonger

Now that I have made a Championless and an Eventless Deck, I think it is only natural to want to play them against each other. Tune in again soon for a report on how they fare against each other. I am sure there are tons of ways one can go with this. This deck I feel could actually win some games, but I guess we'll see.  I hope you enjoyed this deck tech article. Thanks for reading and happy gaming!