The Amazing Spider Tank

The Amazing Spider Tank
Spider-Tank, Spider-Tank. Does whatever a Spider-Tank does. Can he swing from a web? No he can't, he's a tank. Look out! He is a Spider-Tank!

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

My Ideal Keyforge Untamed House Component

Continuing in my articles where I looked at each house in order to find my ideal component (Read about Shadows, Brobnar, Dis), I am now moving onto Untamed. In general, I love Untamed for it's amber generation, but mainly for it's ability to forge keys on your turn. I have won many games due to a Key Charge or a Chota Hazri, so my ideal component will work around those things:

Full Moon - This is one of the great amber generating cards that Untamed has to offer. Yes, I could probably just request 3 Hunting Witches instead, but I've never seen that, and it seems that Full Moon gets placed with the combo most of the time, so why not go with the algorithm for realism's sake?

Mimicry - I love this card. This card gives you so much flexibility, and is deadly in Archon, when you are pretty much guaranteed to have access to some great cards from your opponent. The mind games you can play with this card can cause your opponent to worry about playing and discarding their best actions, and that is almost worth it in itself.

Nature's Call - This is a great card for the combo. With cards like Full Moon and Hunting Witch around, being able to pop creatures back into hand, only to play them for additional amber? Yes please. Dust Pixie gets particularly ridiculous with this. I also like the raw amber as well as the flexibility to bounce your opponent's creatures. That can really mess with your opponent's strategy. I'll take 2.

Nepenthe Seed - This card can result in some of the biggest and "broken" combos in the game. An Omni ability that lets you grab anything from your discard pile can help get you what you want, when you want. It's cards like this that allow for the insta-win combo with Logos. I'll take it to go alongside this Untamed combo, but also because I know it will be useful alongside any other house as well. I'll take 2 please.

Chota Hazri - Here is the automatic key forge card. I prefer this to Key Charge because it combos off itself, as well as works with Full Moon and Nature's Call. This card is how you win, so I'll take 2. Also, he looks like Santa Claus on jungle safari, so what's not to love? Side note: If I want the insta-win combo, I will need Key Charge instead of this.

Dust Pixie - Here is my favorite amber generating creature in the game. 2 raw amber is insane for any card, but add onto the shenanigans you get with the rest of the cards in this component and you get unmatched amber generation per single card. Plus, if it happens to stay around, it can continue to generate amber by reaping. I'll take 2, or however many more I'm allowed to take.

Hunting Witch - Here is the creature version of Full Moon. Not much else to say. It combos well with the other cards in this component, as well as with itself. I would simply just have 3 of these and no Full Moon but I've never seen that, so this seems more realistic. So 2 it is.

So here is the list:
1x Full Moon
1x Mimicry
2x Nature's Call
2x Nepenthe Seed
2x Chota Hazri
2x Dust Pixie
2x Hunting Witch

This is a nice, compact list with heavy amber generation and auto key forging. This component alone can win you games. Any of the supporting houses go well with this such as Logos and Dis. I think my ideal combination would be Logos (in order to also have access to the insta-win combo, although switch out at least 1 Chota with Key Charge), and Shadows for amber manipulation.

What do you think? Did I miss anything? Yes, Fuzzy Gruen and Fertility Chant can give me more amber, but I am loathe to give my opponent anything. Witch of the Eye almost got added in as well, since it combos well with the other cards and can act similarly to Nepenthe Seed, but in my experience it is a little too slow, and you have to choose Untamed in order to use her, while Nepenthe Seed is an Omni ability. Also, does anyone actually have this component and is willing to trade/sell to me? I'm interested :) Anyway, thanks for reading, and happy gaming!

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