The Amazing Spider Tank

The Amazing Spider Tank
Spider-Tank, Spider-Tank. Does whatever a Spider-Tank does. Can he swing from a web? No he can't, he's a tank. Look out! He is a Spider-Tank!

Friday, January 25, 2019

My Ideal Keyforge Brobnar House Component

Continuing from my first article where I looked at the Shadows house in order to find my ideal component, I am now moving onto Brobnar:

Anger - This is such a simple card, but it has so much versatility. It gives you amber, which is pretty rare in Brobnar, and it allows you to ready and fight with a friendly creature, which can be from any house. Also remember, if your opponent has no creatures on the board, you do as much of the card as you can, so feel free to reap at that point!

Burn the Stockpile - I don't hear enough about this card. In 2 of my top 4 finishes in Sealed play, I had Brobnar that had this card, and it was instrumental in keeping me in the game. Your opponent will frequently have 7 amber on their turn, hoping to save them from a random steal, and this one knocks them down. I'll take 1.

Loot the Bodies - This is a quintessential Brobnar combo card. As long as you are destroying, you are gaining amber. This combos well with most cards and is a great way to generate amber. Plus, it has the game's best flavor text.

Punch - I love this card. So many nuisance creatures are 3 power, and this takes them out immediately. You don't have to worry about elusive, they are just dead, and you get an amber out of it as well! I would take as much as I could get of this card, but I've never seen more than 2, so I'll take them.

Pile of Skulls - This card disrupts opponents so well. It may not be great if you are also running Shadows or a lot of stealing, but I have seen games get finished in my favor simply because me opponent never gets 6 amber at a time. Plus, having your opponent finally getting all their captured amber back, only for me to play Burn the Stockpile next turn, is enough to rage quit. I'll take 1.

Firespitter - That 1 armor comes into play a lot, and that little wave of damage gets quite ridiculous in Brobnar when you start getting additional attacks in a turn. This also combos nicely with Loot the Bodies and Pile of Skulls, and helps get rid of Elusive creatures. I'll take 2.

Ganger Chieftain - I really like this guy, even though I frequently only have him in my hand. He just has so much flexibility in activating what you need, whether it's in Brobnar or another house. He's the creature version of Anger, and always a welcome addition to a deck. I'll take 2.

Smaaash - Although I like Tremor a lot, Brobnar needs a lot of creatures to be great, and this guy is the next best thing. Plus, the recent FAQ ruling allowing you to target someone that is already stunned makes him so much better. I'll take 2

So my list is as follows:

1x Anger
1x Burn the Stockpile
1x Loot the Bodies
2x Punch
1x Pile of Skulls
2x Firespitter
2x Ganger Chieftain
2x Smaaash

I could possibly be convinced of losing the Loot the Bodies in favor of another Anger or Punch, but I would have to hope for other house components with some good amber gains, gotta get those gains, bro. I feel as though different creatures could go in, these just happen to be ones I really like, but it's more important that Brobnar gets its bodies. I would be perfectly happy with this component though, as it gives me a lot of big bodies, some direct damage, and ways to disrupt my opponent. Houses I would love to pair this with would be Untamed for more creature fun and amber generation, Shadows for more amber manipulation, and maybe Sanctum, for the ridiculous board presence. And of course, Logos pairs well with everything.

So what do you think? Would you agree? What am I missing. Any Brobnar combos you really like that you look for every time? Let me know in the comments! And thanks for reading!

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